DREAMS Creation 2003

Artistic direction / Hélène Taddei Lawson
Creation and performance / Marie-Noëlle Athané,
Hakima Elakioui, Sara Simeoni, Hélène Taddei Lawson, Dominique Lisette, Juha-Pekka Marsalo, Christian Ruspini
Sound design / Tommy Lawson
Video / Stéphane Broc
Lights / Sébastien Lefèvre
Duration / 1h10 mn
Supports / Collectivité de Corse, Drac de Corse,
Ville de Bastia
Dreams is a series of short performances that summon our imagination.
La Maison du Mirroir is inspired by the passage of Alice, on the other side of the mirror ...
Labyrinthe maps an oniric and initiatory space.
A titre posthume is the story of a danced and insane dream told to Freud.
Versus & featuring confronts conscious and unconscious discourse.
Histoire en miettes is an appointment with childhood.
Dream System unveils an undulating universe.
Un Week-end en Forêt is inspired by Bill Viola's work “The Path”.
Bastia Theater, Corsica - May 2003
Danse Dense Festival of Pantin, France - January 2004
Cité en mouvement, La Havana, Cuba - April 2004
Narcisso Medina Theater, La Havana, Cuba - April 2004
Corsican Tour - July 2004 : Nonza - St-Florent - Patrimonio - Luri - Morsiglia - Ile-Rousse - Belgodère - Cervione - Canari - Olmi Capella - Corté - Corbara, july 2004
At the crossroads of several artistic expressions, the Cie Art Mouv 'spread all its mastery.
What beauty in this piece entitled " La Maison du Mirroir " where Hélène Taddei Lawson gives free rein to his torment, his body becomes liana, stone, bubble. Of this cocktail, the choreographer draws a strange poetry, intoxicating, as in "Labyrinthe", or childish and mischievous in "Histoire en miettes”.
Christophe Laurent - Corse - Matin - septembre 2003
Ninth International Dance Meetings in Urban Landscape - Habana Vieja - Ciudad en Movimiento.
A festival that took on a new dimension this year with Art Mouv 'who brought to the festival its technology and its virtual vision of the movement. A very elaborate show.
Andrés D. Abreu - Granma - La Havane - april 2004