Artistic direction / Hélène Taddei Lawson
Creation and performance / Alex Benth, Jean Claude Guilbert, Charly Moandal, Hélène Taddei Lawson
Sound design / Tommy Lawson
Lights / Erick Plaza Cochet
Duration / 55 mn
Supports / Collectivité de Corse, Ville de Bastia, Air Corsica, Caisse des Dépots, Spedidam
Co-productions and residencies / CCN de Roubaix CCN de Créteil , CCN de la Rochelle
Space turn by turns poetic, energetic, ironic, Au Fait ...? combines the gesture with the word, enchains full and empty without a declaration of meaning, leaving what the writer wanted to say free of any interpretation.
Dance fragments and puns, individualities and collective frescoes question beyond established codes.
Each dancer is a universe by himself, borrowing from cartoon, ethnic, underground, crossing the masculine and the feminine, one and diversity.
A strange in camera that is seen between the bodies, between the notes, between the words and in which the movement and the emotion between the dancers appears as a breeze.
While a digital sound and light device abolishes the borders between the board and the control room.
CND of Pantin, Paris, France - May 2012
Plateforme Danse Festival, Bastia, Corsica - May 2017
CCN of Créteil, France - August 2012
Spazziu Natale Luciani, Corte, Corsica - March 2013
L’Aria, Olmi Cappella, Corsica -Mars 2013
Rencontre de Danses Métisses, Cayenne, Guyana - December 2013
L’Aghja, Ajaccio, Corsica - Juanary 2014
Plateforme Danse Festival, Bastia, Corsica - May 2014
Karavel Festival, Bron, France - October 2014
Week of Dance, Porto Vecchio, Corsica - April 2015
Parque Mirador de Sosua, Dominican Republic- September 2015
Edanco Festival, Saint Domingue, Dominican Republic- September 2015
San Juan Arts Museum, Porto Rico - Septembre 2015
« By the way what did the author mean? » favors the exchange an the crossing of forms of expression. To transcribe the work of an author and enter the dance of word, the universes meet, collide, oppose.
La voix du nord - September 2013
Throughout the performance, universes will oppose, mix, twist, and not blend, but create a new universe with its own characteristics that generates its own poetry.
Shifts occur, decompartmentalization are made.
No heaviness in this inventory “à la Prévert”.
Chantal Baldacci - Blog’in Giru - March 2013