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Identité(s) en Mouvement  

Identité (s) en Mouvement combines artistic creation, applied pedagogy and anthropological research.

This project is supplied by the Department of Higher Education and Research of La Collectivité de Corse.

t is the subject of an agreement between The Cie Art Mouv' and the performing arts license of the Università di Corsica.

Thie project takes place in the form of three laboratories per year:

A fall laboratory at the University, bringing together students and artists around a creative process.

A  spring laboratory, associating students with the Plateforme Danse Festival in Bastia.

A summer laboratory, combining ethno-scenology, Corsican language and artistic creation.

Identities in Movement takes into account the different territories of the island as places of emergence of a dynamic body ecology.

"cf. Davia Benedetti’s doctoral thesis in anthropology: Dancing in Corsica between identity and postmodernity" (see publications).

And is also part of the multidisciplinary perspective of Cie Art Mouv' led by Hélène Taddei Lawson.

Generating new Identities, island identities, in the heart of the Mediterranean.


LAB#1 - "Je n'ai rien à dire..."
Université de Corse, novembre 2019


LAB#2 - Campus 40
Université de Corse, octobre 2020

photo affichage lab#3.jpg

Bastia et agglo, mai 2021

photo affichage LAB #4.png

LAB#4 - Land Art
Tizzano, juillet 2021 

photo affichage lab #5.JPG

Corte, octobre 2021 

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