PAYSAGE # PLURIEL Creation 2009 - 2012

Paysage # Pluriel…is an evolutionary creation project, inspired by Land Art, especially the work of Richard Long.
Each variation revisits the previous one and takes a new look at the project as a whole.
Supports :
Collectivité Territoriale de Corse,
Bastia Town Council
Air Corsica,
Les Hivernales of Avignon,
La Termitière of Ouagdougou,
French Alliance of Nairobi
# 1… Walking the lines
Created at the theater of Bastia in May 2009
How the body inhabits space, inscribes the trace of its presence... ephemeral...
Creation and performance : Hélène Taddei Lawson, Juha Pekka Marsalo
Sound design : Tommy Lawson
Video : Stéphane Broc
Lights : Eric Plazza Cochet
Duration : 45 mn
# 2… Paysage Infini
CCreated at the CDC La Termitière in Ouagadougou in August 2009
In this landscape of Burkina Faso, the spirit of the shaman travels from one continent to another and makes us dance an endless dance.
Creation and performance : Hélène Taddei Lawson, Edwin Moturi Kebaya
Sound design : Tommy Lawson
Music : Dramane Diabaté
Video : Stéphane Broc
Video : Eric Plazza Cochet
Video : 55 mn
Avec la participation de 15 danseurs de la formation de la Termitière
#3… Paysages Croisés
Created at the theater of Bastia in May 2010
From mineral to vegetal, from vegetal to organic, let the body become stone, water, cloud.
Creation and performance : Hélène Taddei Lawson, Edwin Moturi Kebaya, Dominique Lisette
Sound design : Tommy Lawson
Video : Stéphane Broc
Video : Eric Plazza Cochet
Video : 48 mn
#5… Paysages En Echo
Echo Created at Anima Cultural Center in February 2011
recreation with the polyphonic voices of the group Barbara Fortuna, a meeting between the body and the voice.
Creation and performance : Hélène Taddei Lawson, Dominique Lisette, Barbara Fortuna
Sound design : Tommy Lawson, Barbara Furtuna
Video : Stéphane Broc
Lights : Eric Plazza Cochet
Duration : 55 mn
#6… Paysage en Miroir
Created at the Termitière de Ouagadougou in December 2012
A choreographic road movie, to cross the space and such Alice, to pass on the other side of the mirror...!
Creation and performance : Hélène Taddei Lawson
Sound design : Tommy Lawson
Music : Dramane Diabaté
Video : Stéphane Broc
Lights : Erick Plaza Cochet
Durée : 40 mn
Plateforme Danse festival, Bastia, Corsica - May 2013
Dialogue de Corps, La Termitière, Burkina Faso - December 2012
Espace Diamant, Ajaccio, Corsica - March 2011
Cultural Center Anima, Ghisonaccia, Corsica - March 2011
Auditorium of Pigna, Corsica – February 2011
Les Hivernales d’Avignon, France - July 2011
Duo solo Festival, Nairobi, Kenya - November 2010
Plateforme Danse Festival, Bastia, Corsica - June 2010
The Kallisté Theater, Ajaccio, Corsica – May 2010
Danses Métisses Festival, Cayenne, Guyana - December 2009
CDC la Termitière, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - September 2009
CCF, Bobodiolassou, Burkina Faso - September 2009
Plateforme Danse Festival, Bastia, Corsica - May 2009
Haraka Festival, Tanger, Marocco - April 2018
Quartiers Danses Festival, Montréal, Canada - September 2019
Our favorites OFF - An atmosphere of undergrowth, water, air or stone, the images follow one another before our admiring eyes. Listening, you feel peaceful and dynamic at the same time. The natural and electronic sounds, the digital images agree and perfectly accompany the dancers. It's beautiful and we're transported.
Florence Bauche - La Provence - juillet 2011
Les hivernales : the dance that makes sense - The dancers go from mineral to vegetal, from vegetal to organic, let the body become stone, water, cloud. " Paysage # Pluriel… summons our report to the sensitive in reference to land art.
Fanzyo spécial festival - juillet 2011
La Termitière in Mirror - The artist transforms the two-sided character that she represents, on the border of the normal and the subversive. Crippled or athletic, she moves forward, playing with her limbs, her body, on a journey she shares with the public.
Aimé Mouor Kambiré - Danse Info - Ouagadougou - décembre 2012