“I have nothing to say…”
University of Corsica, November 2019
I have nothing to say and I say it
opened the speech Lecture on Nothing in 1949 in New York, by John Cage, a tireless activist artist who never stopped intertwining everyday life and utopia. It is from this postulate that the students immersed themselves in creation, aiming at the essentiality of artistic expression, apprehending their place of life and work with a utopian and joyful look.
This looks through the eye of the camera, the ears of the recorder, the body of the performer, the voice of the researcher generated innovation within the campus and a circulation of know-how that resulted in different forms of artistic restitutions:
• A documentary featuring performances at various locations on campus and bilingual interviews.
• A dance, sound, video mapping and text performance in the BU’s outdoor space with around 50 students and performing arts professionals.
• Photo essays and articles documenting the creative process carried out by the students.
Project supported by the Collectivity of Corsica (Project Identity(s) in Motion), the University of Corsica – Pasquale Paoli (FLLASHS and Mission Creativity) and the Spedidam.

Davia Benedetti (MCF), university director of the project, choreographic artist
Jean Pierre Guidicelli, educational director of the license Performing Arts, actor
Students of Performing Arts license:
(L1) Lea Aitora , Jean-Baptiste Antonelli, Sophie Audibert, Emilie Bouvier, Anthony Colonna d'Istria, Hamza El Herrad, Marien Le Roy, Noé Lebret, Melina Lewis, Sacra Maria Luciani, Mariana Martins Roeber, Michele Merlo , Pierre-Antoine Mortini, Hugo Retali , Timothy Sissy, Stephane Spaccesi ; (L2) Sonia Leca , Cecilia Lucciardi, Manon Recco Cloé Ropert, Manon Salaun, Malgorzata Tiomkin ; (L3) Cassandre Carre, Jean Philippe Cruciani, Alix Hubeser, Anna Methivier, Khadija Slimane Bourhem, Léa Soltane et Thomas Thabone
Students in Applied Arts, Grade 1:
Leslie Basset, Lisa Boukhatem-Schianchi, Maxime Carlier, Lila Chattou, Geoffrey Choisel, Elodie Cogny, Clément Diker, Maxime Ferat, Ornella Ferrari, Thomas Ferrari, Liza Furfaro, Lea Grenier, Axelle Guillaumain, Estelle Guillaumont, Alberick Hisbergue, Bastien Juillot, Laurina Leonardi-Cauliez, Graziella-Elodie Lorriaux, Lea Miliani, Minh Hanh Nguyen, Carolanne Ramsamy, Oumaima Rochd, Gabrielle Rognoni, Laurene Roth, Abdelkader Roussel, Sandy Sonet, Maeva Spanedda, Camellu Tomasi , Ghjulia Maria Torti, Tao Valentin, Jeremy Vartanian
Students in Plastic Arts Students, Grade 1:
Anaïs Bastiani, Laetizia Cantara, Alexandre Costa, Iziana Gerandi, Yannick Gimenez, Brian Hubert, Mathias Lemercier, Thomas Marcelli, Milenna Martini, Mikidache Moutuidine, Leana Murgia, Francois Murzeau, Laura Orsini, Marion Plavis, Jean-Joseph Rossi, Manon Verney, Marie-Francoise Vittori
Cie Art Mouv’:
Artistic direction/Hélène Taddei Lawson
Performers/ Davia Benedetti, Jessica Buttafocu, Jean Pierre Guidicelli, Hélène Taddei Lawson
Video / Stéphane Broc
Sound Design / Tommy Lawson
Lights/ Anouar Benali
Production manager/ Frédéric Antomarchi
Communication / Pierre Battesti
Captation spectacle/ Thomas Silvert
Poetry/ Thomas Thabone and Timothy Leoncini
The President of the University of Corsica; Marc Benedetti, Director of Education, Education and Research, Collectivity of Corsica; Emmanuelle Cesari-Attard, Deputy Director of Education, Education and Research, Collectivity of Corsica; Michèle Venturi, Dean of the Faculty of Literature, Languages, Arts, Human and Social Sciences, University of Corsica; Marc-Paul Luciani, Director-General of CROUS de Corse; Nadine Marchioni, Head of the Cultural Service of CROUS de Corse; Pierre Mattei, Head of Heritage, Logistics and Prevention, University of Corsica; Edwige Koziello, Visual Arts Teacher, Faculty of Arts, Languages, Arts, Human and Social Sciences; Marianne Morès-Santoni, University of Corsica; Jacqueline Augier, Administrative Manager, Faculty of Arts, Languages, Arts, Human and Social Sciences; Bastien Bereni, Applied Foreign Languages, Language and Culture Corsica; Jean-Pierre Isacco, Arts and Letters Education Department; Pierre Memmi, Café de France (Corte); Thierry Gutierrez Rodriguez, café O'Central (Corte); La Maison de la Presse (Corte); M. Paul et Philippe, Café de France, Corte et Ghjisè.
has been imagined from the conference of John Cage
Lecture on Nothing, Artist’s Club, New York, 1949 or 1950
John Cage, Silence: Lectures and Writings, Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, 1961
Courtesy of John Cage Trust, Red Hook, New York
Cie ART MOUV’ © 2019